Busy summer vacation for Chemistry students

While some are sunbathing and relaxing after the hardships of the last session, others have rolled up their sleeves and are undergoing apprenticeships. The second group includes students of Chemia Tarnowska PWSZ, who have just started apprenticeships in companies and enterprises from the region. Visits to plants and contact with the daily work of chemists […]

While some are sunbathing and relaxing after the hardships of the last session, others have rolled up their sleeves and are undergoing apprenticeships. The second group includes students of Chemia Tarnowska PWSZ, who have just started apprenticeships in companies and enterprises from the region. Visits to plants and contact with the daily work of chemists is extremely valuable in terms of preparation for a smooth entry into the labor market.This year our students work, among others in: Tarnowskie Wodociągach, District Water and Sewerage Company in Brzesko, District Water and Sewerage Company in Dąbrowa Tarnowska and Baulab

enumerates the intern, Dr. Agata Lada from the Department of Chemistry at PWSZ.

Internship at Tarnowskie Wodociągi is an opportunity to learn about a number of analyzes that are subjected to raw and treated sewage and sewage sludge. Students mean, among others ammonium nitrogen in sewage and total phosphorus in sewage sludge

explains Dr Lada.

At Baulab Sp. z o. o. students have the opportunity to learn practically the methods of analyzing materials used in construction, such as the setting time of cement, pozzolanic activity, content of chlorides, sulphates and free calcium in fly ash, as well as the content of selected compounds in soil and cement strength.

On the other hand, internships at the District Water and Sewerage Company in Dąbrowa Tarnowska Sp. z o.o. and in Rejonowe Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Brzesku Sp. z o.o. allow you to expand your knowledge in the field of physicochemical analyzes of water (including the detection of aluminum, chloride, ammonium ions and turbidity testing). – Water tests are preceded by sampling, which, after training, are performed by students themselves under the supervision of a tutor on behalf of the workplace – adds the internship supervisor.

I am glad that our students spend so much time in their workplaces. Apprenticeships allow them to use and expand the knowledge gained at the university. They are also a great opportunity to establish contact with a potential employer and acquire professional competences

concludes Dr. Krzysztof Kleszcz, head of the Department of Chemistry at PWSZ.

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