About University
University of Applied
Sciences in Tarnow

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Student trip as part of the program Erasmus+
Fields of study and specializations at the Faculty of Humanities: Polish Philology, Preschool and Early School Education, Foreign Languages in (e-)business communication, English Philology, German Philology, French Philology, Psychology
Fields of study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Mathematics, Chemistry – licentiate studies, Applied Chemistry – engineering studies, Environmental Protection
Fields of study at the Polytechnic Faculty: Automatics and Robotics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Technology and Production Management, Mechatronics, Chemical Technology
Fields of study at the Faculty of Administration and Economics: Administration, Economics, Social Work, Law
Fields of study at the Faculty of Health Sciences: Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Midwifery, Cosmetology
Fields of studies at the Faculty of Arts: Graphics, Design